10 Useful Slang Words that ALL Americans Know


Yo are you down with today's lesson because you're going to have a blast and I'm

going to tell you what all that means because today we're talking about slang.

What's up everyone. My name is Wes. This is interactive English,

which is all about helping you practice and improve your English skills and

today we're talking about boom slang.

Specifically we're talking about American slang and I want to teach you some

different words and phrases that I think are quite common.

Now when it comes to slang,

it really depends on on where you live and how old you are. Not,

not everybody uses these words and phrases,

but I tried to find slang that I felt is is more commonly known that that most

Americans are aware of and maybe even used from time to time.

So let's begin with our first slang word and that is chilling.

So if you see this word,

the spelling may may look a little crazy because we'll slang you.

You don't often spell, it's mostly just used and spoken English, but you,

you would probably see it without the g.

Maybe you might find an apostrophe at the end or maybe there might not be and

somebody would just say chillin.

And what chillin means is that you are just spending time with friends and relaxing.

It's very similar to hanging out and you could also say that you are just

chilling out. You're just relaxing. Take it easy with friends, you know,

I'm just chilling out. So what are you going to do later?

I'm just going to chill right here at home. Just take it easy.

Just just chill out with the family.

Let's just chill out and go do this. I don't need to chill out.

And you're chillin with me all day?

Yeah, just chilling. Hanging with the cat.

Go there about once a year to chill out for a month.

Gross. It's that weirdo who chills with possums.

We can chill together and we'll chill with those other guys.

We'll all chill as one big unit.

Then we have a slang word or it

could be a phrase that I like to use and that is just down.

And often somebody would just say, you know, I'm down.

Or they might ask a question and be like, Hey, are you down?

And what it means is that you are okay and willing to do something.

So at the beginning I asked you, I said, are you down with this lesson?

Are you okay? Are you willing to watch this lesson and learn these slang words?

I hope you're down because I'm down to teach you these slang words.

I'm down for a group hug.

They might want to show about anything and everything. Anything, everything,

something, nothing. Who the hell cares? Put me down. I'm down.

I think that people deserve to know. Are you down with TPP?

I'm not down with TPP.

Then we have a phrase.

It's actually a phrasal verb to knock someone up and to knock someone up is just

talking about an unexpected or unplanned pregnancy.

You could also use it as an adjective if you want to say that somebody got

knocked up and when I think it might be used as when the pregnancy is so

unexpected that that the girl gets pregnant and she doesn't have a boyfriend and

her friends and family may not even,

they may not even know who this guy is and she just met this person one night

out at the bar and got knocked up. It's not something that people try to do,

but it does happen. It's a fact of life and when it does,

people might say that someone got knocked up.

There was actually a movie that came out quite some time ago that was called

Knocked Up. Can you guess what it was about? An unplanned pregnancy.

Alright, fine. You want to know why you almost blew it with Kim?

Because you knocked her up on your first date before you can get to know her.

See you got a bun in the oven.

I'm knocked up.

Then we have a noun.

It is a person and that is just an ass kisser.

So somebody who is an ass kisser is...

They just say really nice things to a person because they,

they want to get something.

Oftentimes I think of the the work environment that a,

another colleague of yours might be a real ass kisser and they're always saying

nice things to to your boss because they want to get a promotion or,

or they just want to get something in return eventually and you could say, yes,

that person is an ass kisser.

You could also use it as a verb and say to kiss someone's ass and again to kiss

someone's ass. It means the same thing.

And when somebody kisses another person's ass, that person is an ass kisser.

What was it? A helpless, fat, incompetent ass kisser.

Actually I don't remember the ass kisser part.

I'll be governing my own village.

10,000 employees kissing his ass. Yes boss, no boss.

Instead of firing them,

I am going to kiss their asses like crazy.

Next is a word that I think is known pretty much by most people in the United States.

I think it may even be well known by people outside of the United States,

and that is the word hooker. Now, if you hear this word,

it's talking again about a person and it's talking about a female prostitute.

And if you don't know what a prostitute is,

that is just a person that sells sex.

So instead of saying the word prostitute,

you might hear the word hooker and this is a word that you might hear in a TV

show, or if you're watching a movie,

it's not something like I said that that I expect you to go out and use this

word because you're probably not having many conversations about hookers.

Just so you know. In case you hear this word,

a hooker is a female prostitutes.

She's not a spy. She is a hooker.

I picked her up in the Hollywood Boulevard.

Look at that. A hooker with a heart of gold.

Those don't exist. It's going to cost you $500.

It will be illegal for him to drink at his own bachelor party. Or to get a hooker.

A hooker.

I bet if we hired her that would cheer him up.

The next word is blast and this just means to have a good time and we often use

it with the verb. Have to have a blast.

I had a blast at the party.

I hope you are having a blast watching this lesson and learning this slang and

if you are having a blast and you love learning slang,

just let me know and go ahead and hit that like button. We're having a blast.

We just went biking and mini marting.

The next slang word is flake. This is talking about a person.

So someone is a flake.

It just means that it's a person who says that they will do something but they

do not do it. They are a flake. So, for example, somebody might say,

Oh yeah, I'm, I'm gonna, I'm gonna go with you tomorrow. I'm going to do this.

You can count on me. And then they don't do it. And you could say, Oh,

you know that the, there, there's such a flake.

Or You could even use it as a phrasal verb and say that somebody's flaked out.

So for example, maybe you want your friend to go with you to this party.

It's going to be a blast. You're gonna chill out there and you say, hey,

let's go. And your friend says, yes, I'm there. You can count on me.

But you know that they're a flake. You could say, oh my friend,

they flaked out on me. They said they were down to go with me to the party,

but they didn't go because they're a flake.

You guys need any help? I can't believe you're late to your own raid. What a flake.

He's not coming back. He's a lousy roofer and a flake.

All right. Yes I'll do. Okay. Thank you so much. It's going to be awesome.

And if I flake, I flake. What?

Now listen, this is a big commitment.

Now you don't just say yes if you're going to flake out later.

Then we have a very small words, simple word and that is just Yo.

People say this, I think kind of a little bit like a greeting.

Often it's said at the beginning when you first encounter someone and then they

may follow it with another greeting like, hey yo, how's it going? Yo? What's up?

It's also used to to get people's attention. So you might say, hey Yo,

I'm talking to you, Yo look at me.

So at the beginning of this lesson I was using it as both.

It was kind of like a greeting at the beginning and I wanted to get your

attention. So I said, Yo,

Yo D-dog. I need your help.

Yo. What's up guys?

Then we have the word quarterback.

Now this is a position in the sport of American football but can use it in other

situations as well.

When you're talking about a person who is the leader and somebody might say,

for example, like, well, okay, I'm going to quarterback this meeting.

I am going to be the leader of the meeting.

So if you're talking about somebody who's the quarterback,

you're talking about the leader. I just want all of you guys to chill.

I hope you're down with that. And I'm going to quarterback this lesson. Well,

I guess I have to. There's nobody else here.

Then we have the word moon.

And no, I'm not talking about the moon that you see at night up in the sky.

I'm talking about a verb. And that is two moon to moon someone.

And when you moon somebody, you are just showing them your bare butt.

And this is something that I think, uh, you know, high school kids would do.

They're just joking around. They're like, oh, let's, let's moon this person.

And they just show their butt and it is called two moon someone.

Have you ever mooned anyone? Let me know in the comments. I'll be honest. Yes,

I have mooned others on more than one occasion.

How would you moon us if you were driving?

I hope you had a blast, just chilling out and learning some of this slang and if you want to connect

with us even more than join our email list, join the interactive English team.

We will send you all these cool and useful resources as well as access to the

secret fluency lesson.

I know I'm being a bit of an ass kisser right now asking you to do this,

but if you don't want to do it, if you just want to flake out,

that's okay as well.

And I also just want to keep using these words because it's good practice.

It's good for you to listen to them because that's the best way to learn and

remember them. Thank you guys so much for watching.

I hope that you learned something new and I will see you next time.