925 English Lesson 2 - How to Start a Conversation


You're learning with 925 English - business English for the workplace.

hi Tim here with another 925 English lesson. In today's lesson we're going to

learn all about how to start a conversation.

Sometimes we call starting a conversation breaking the ice. You can

think of the ice as that initial silence between people. It could be between

strangers on a plane or co-workers in a lunchroom and when we break the ice we

say something friendly to start a conversation. So how do you do that?

What do you say and what topics our best? Well in our first lesson we had an example of

a greeting between work colleagues who didn't know each other.

Can you remember how they got their conversation started after the greeting?

What did they say? Let's have another listen to that short dialogue and you

can listen for the conversation starter.

A pleasure Shelly quite the setup here isn't it?

Yes, they have really gone to town. I should get them to come decorate my

house. Yeah right good idea

So did you hear what the first person said? She said

quite the setup here isn't it and that shows us that asking the question is a

great way to start a conversation especially if you've just been

introduced. You can use simple and direct questions or you can use a comment with

the tag question. Just a quick note on vocabulary here. The 'setup' of the room is

the way it is organized and decorated

And 'quiet the' means impressive so amber thinks the decoration of the room is very

impressive and Shelly agrees saying they've really 'gone to town'. If we go to

town with something it means we make a big effort.

all right let's try a little practice with some simple questions for starting

a conversation. Listen carefully to each example then repeat the example yourself.

ready let's get started can you believe how much snow we're getting so where are

you off to today

you visiting family for the holiday or just getting away

ok so those are examples of direct questions about things like the weather

and travel these are pretty safe topics for starting a conversation which is why

you might hear people use them so often and you will also hear yes no questions

like can you believe and WH questions like where are you going today killed

those are direct questions now how about those tag questions I talked about first

what is that a question

well to make a tag question you make a comment then had a little question at

the end for example you might say the airport is quite busy isn't it or you

could say you work in sales don't you let's do a little practice with this

kind of question remember repeat each example after you hear it

a beautiful day isn't it

funded program do you think you were in the afternoon workshop where you

now there are

are couple of tricks to tag questions first

the question tag needs to match the comment

so with a beautiful day you need isn't it because the day is the it that with

you were in the morning workshop you don't say isn't it instead we say we

weren't you the subject has to match and the verb tits has to match and here's

the second thing about tag questions a positive statement is followed by a

negative tag question like a nice day isn't it

while a negative statement is followed by a positive tag question like there

isn't much snow is there does that make sense

ok so remember that little dialogue between colleagues that we heard at the

start of the lesser let's use that for a bit of practice will repeat the dialogue

but this time will be put out a couple of lines so you can add your own

responses you need to start with the tag question about the set up to get the

conversation started and you'll have to respond to the other person's comet

let's give it a go

yes they've really gone to town I should get them to come decorate my house

showed that covers using questions to break the ice we've practiced tag

questions and some simple direct questions but sometimes the question

fields to direct doesn't it it might even seem rude with someone we've never

met before so there's another way we can start a conversation and that's with the

simple comment this is useful for talking with strangers or someone you

haven't been introduced to what do I mean by making a simple comment

all you do is say something about the situation or place your in and the other

person can respond however they like let's give it a try

will give you some good examples of icebreaker comments you can listen and

repeat ready looks like they've got quite the evening planned for us

you sure are a lot of people here tonight looks like it's going to be a

full flight

sure is quiet in here today

seems simple enough doesn't it and maybe you noticed the expression looks like

which is very useful for introducing a comment and the words sure which is

useful for friendly emphasis it means certainly like it certainly is a nice


but how does this kind of conversation starter work in real life remember a

comment like this

invites a response from the other person once they respond you can continue on

the same topic let's listen to a short dialogue to see how this can work you'll

hear two travelers in an airport one of them starts with the simple comet just

like we practiced then the other person responds and the first person continues

with some explanation of the situation looks like it's really starting to fill

up yeah pretty busy I think everything's kind of backed up something about a snow

storm in the Midwest angered

so did you hear how that weren't you just comment on something around you let

the other person respond and keep talking then the conversation flows from

there now you can try this yourself will repeat the same dialogue but will be put

out the first and last lines it's your job to break the ice with the comment

then continue talking after the other person responds ready to give it a go

yeah pretty busy

okay now we've looked at starting the conversation with strangers but how

about talking with your co-workers

well it's not too different from talking with people you don't know you can use a

question or a comment and it's best to pick an easy or general topic like

sports or the weather or news let's try a little practice listen to each example

and repeat what you hear

ok let's begin can you believe this rain we've been having did you see that race

last night did you hear about

the latest earthquake in Japan

the Euro sure seems to be in a bit of trouble

so what do you think

this new guy who's running finance

we offer

ask these kinds of questions after we've already said hello to the other person

but what if you haven't said hi or hello

well that's when you can use a word like so or pay before your question just as a

way of introducing it well that pretty much wraps it up for today we've

practiced starting a conversation with questions after a greeting breaking the

ice with comments and starting conversations with coworkers don't

forget to go back and practice these techniques again and try using your own

ideas in the examples will be back soon with another 925 English lesson until

then so long and happy learning