


So you hear a lot of people are really freaked out

about this idea, this meme of singularity.

Some call it the "rapture of the nerds."

They feel like technologists have

hijacked the Christian story of God

and heaven and the afterlife and just

translated it into the language of electronic technology

and synthetic intelligence and mastering the information

processes of biology so that we can engender and engineer

our own godhood.

But I don't really think that that's a problem.

Those religious myths that we have been caught up

in for centuries reflect our yearnings

to transcend our own limits.

As Ernest Becker says, "We are gods with anuses.

With our minds, we can ponder the infinite.

Yet we're housed in these heart-pumping, breath-gasping,

decaying body."

So to be godly, yet creaturely imbues the human condition

with a sort of bittersweet, exquisite pain quality to it

that, in a way, drives our creativity.

Our desire to transcend all previous limits,

to transform the world in our own image,

comes from our desire to escape the death sentence that

makes us ultimately food for worms.

So I think that the singularity as a meme that

reflects the acceleration of the human design process

to the point of achieving a kind of infinite velocity

where everything becomes linked with everything else,

and matter becomes mind where we impregnate the universe

with intelligence, as Erik Davis has written.

Today, technologists are these ecstatic technicians

of the sacred.

They're figuring out how awareness

works, how the self emerges.

Can we create non-biological intelligence?

Can we create sentience in a different substrate

that is not bound by the limits of biology?

We are the frontal lobes of the universe.

If we are the eyes and ears of the universe,

if we are a way for the cosmos to know itself,

as Carl Sagan says, then our desire

to transcend all previous limits is the universe's desires


So I don't think there's anything unnatural about that.

And so for that reason, I think the idea of the singularity

is awesome.