Real English Conversations: Chick Magnet (idiom)
Hi, Lori here, welcoming you to another episode of Real English Conversations from Better At English dot com. Today, my English friend Michael and I talk about the irresistible attraction power of dogs and puppies, and how
you can exploit this if you're in the market for a romantic partner.
As always, you'll find a full transcript and vocabulary list on the website, And remember, your continued donations keep Better at English going – thanks very much to Kristof and Taz from the Netherlands, and Peter from Switzerland for your generous donations since the last episode. And thanks to Paul from France, who donated three awesome books about English from my B@E Amazon wishlist!
OK, enough of my yakkin’ – let's get on with the show!
Lori: Do you ever go to the gym?
Michael: I don't go anymore; I used to go many years ago, but…
L: What…why don't you go anymore?
M: Well, it's very expensive, for one thing. And also it's a long way to travel from where I'm living at the moment; it's a long way to get to the gym, so I go walking with the dog and that's my exercise.
L: Ooooooooh, doggie! Doggie! What kind of dog is it?
M: Which is…Oh he is very, very cute, and he's very friendly. And also gets me lots of attention while I'm out, because everybody wants to say hello to my dog, so…
L: I know, isn't that funny about dogs, they're total conversation starters…
M: They're a great way to get chicks as well!
L: Yeah, that's what I've heard!
M: If you, if you have a very cute dog, then, yeah, then girls want to come over and pet your dog, and then of course you can start talking to them, so yeah, it's a great way to meet friends.
L: Don't you call that “chatting them up” in British English?
M: Yes, chatting somebody up is, I suppose, flirting with somebody, and um…
L: Trying to get their phone number?
M: Yes! That's the kind of thing, yes.
L: Well I think that the ultimate weapon, you know, the ultimate chick magnet would probably be a cute little puppy.
M: Oh, oh, most definitely. For sure.
L: Because I can tell you from experience – and being a girl – that, oh, it takes all my power to resist going up to total strangers with cute little puppies and asking if I can pet the puppy. Seriously, it's…oh my god!
M: Okay, I'm going to get rid of the … [line drops out] …then.
L: Sorry?
M: I'm gonna get rid of the dog and get a puppy instead; he's too old now.
L: Oh yeah, total…total chick magnet. But you'll also be attracting a lot of little old ladies as well.
M: Pardon?
L: You'll also be attracting a lot of little old ladies as well.
M: Oh okay, so there is a downside to it.
L: Yeah, there is a downside…unless you like little old ladies.