PTE Describe Image 90/90 | PTE Speaking Tips, Tricks and Templates


In the PTE, you'll need to describe an image like this one. This is the describe image task

that we'll be looking at today. As you can see, the image in this question contains a bar graph.

On test day, you'll get three to four of these described image tasks. They

could include a graph or graphs, a table, a map, a photo, or a diagram of a process.

In this video, I'm going to teach you a simple strategy that you can use to get a ninety out of

ninety in the PTE exam. Along with showing you a high scoring sample response. Let's do it.

For this task, you'll have to describe the main features of this graph in forty seconds. You

can see it says this in the instructions here. Look at the graph below. In twenty five seconds,

Please speak into the microphone and describe in detail what the graph is showing. You will

have forty seconds to give your response. Trying to think of what to say and how to

structure your answer can be challenging. Let's look at a method you can use to make

answering these questions a little bit easier. This method is called the three by three master

plan. It's called that because each part has three steps. I'll show you what I mean. The first part

of the method is the three step structure. These steps include introducing the graph

which should take around five seconds, describing the graph, which should take

around twenty five seconds, and concluding which should take around another five seconds.

Notice that this only adds up to thirty five seconds, which gives you a little bit of room

in case you go over these suggested timings. The next part of the three by three master plan

is the three part pattern for the description. Here you describe the highest, the lowest,

and one other aspect of the graph. If you notice additional important points in the graph,

You can mention them, but you must make sure to allow time to include your conclusion.

This brings us to the last part of the three by three master plan which is a three point motto.

Three important points to keep in mind throughout the completion of the

describe image tasks. These are keep to the structure, keep it simple, and keep going.

So keep to the structure. This saves time and ensures a response

that will meet all the scoring criteria. Remember, introduce, describe, conclude.

Next, keep it simple. This is a speaking task.

Demonstrate your speaking, not your statistical analysis.

Use simple language that you know well. Avoid unfamiliar vocabulary, speak clearly,

confidently and accurately. Finally, keep going.

Don't stop. Try not to hesitate or use filter words like or ah. If you find

yourself stumbling on a less familiar word or lose your train of thought, Just keep going.

Speak at a moderate and consistent pace, not too fast and not too slow. And even speed is crucial

for obtaining a good score. Even if you make some mistakes with the content, keep going.

Two thirds of your mark is based on how you say what you're saying, not what you're saying.

If you'd like to try and answer a describe image question by yourself, click the link

in the description. It'll take you to a practice question which also contains a sample answer.

Okay. So now that we know the method Let's apply it to this bar graph. Let's begin

by introducing the graph. Remember, this was the first step to the three step structure.

Here's how you can formulate the first sentence. The bar graph represents the title of the graph

plus additional information in the x axis. So for this graph, the introduction could be

The bar graph represents the number of statutory holidays observed in various

countries in twenty twenty three. Note that we need to insert the functional grammar words

the article, the, and the preposition in. But we can also add some additional

information from the x axis if we want. Now it says the bar graph represents the

number of statutory holidays observed in various countries in twenty twenty three including the

Philippines, Sri Lanka, and the United Kingdom. A line graph nearly always has time element such

as days, months, or years across the x axis. However, a bar graph or bar chart

can have practically anything plotted along the x axis. And very often, this information

doesn't appear in the title. However, if appropriate, you can add this information

like we've done here in this introduction. When listing elements, it is always best to

list three using the conjunction and before the final element. In this case, we have a list of

three countries with a conjunction and. We always list things in this way, both in speaking and in

writing. Also note how some countries but only a very small number require us to use the definite

article, the, in both speaking and writing. Let's just take some time to recap those two

important language points because these are two language points that test takers

often struggle with in describe image. The first was lists. When listing always use

commas to separate items and and to separate the last item. Like this, the Philippines,

Sri Lanka and the United Kingdom. Bread milk and eggs. Don't stress the word and but be sure that

you do say it. A dozen eggs, two tomatoes, and cheese. Notice how we pronounce and as and a

weak unstressed sound, men, women, and children. The other seemingly small grammar point that trips

many test candidates up is the use of articles, the, and ah. If you find articles challenging,

don't worry if you make mistakes. Keep calm and keep going. In the describe image task,

fluency and pronunciation are more important than small grammatical irregularities.

Let's keep going. We've done the introduction. Next is describing the graph. We should aim

to speak for around twenty five seconds for this part.

Remember the pattern for describing the graph You should describe the highest, the lowest,

and one other element from the graph. We'll start with the highest. In twenty twenty three, Nepal

had the most statutory holidays of the country shown on the bar chart with thirty five days.

Then the lowest. The United Kingdom and the United States of America had the fewest national holidays

with only ten days for each of the two countries. We've mentioned the highest and the lowest

figures. Let's add another noticeable key point evident in the graph. Can you see one? There

are many options. How about this?

After Nepal, the country with the next highest number of public holidays with Sri Lanka with

ten fewer days of holiday in the year. If we still have time available before

the crucial thirty second mark, we can add more observations about the data depicted in the graph.

This could be something like this was followed reasonably closely by both India and Kazakhstan

each with twenty one national holidays. If you're unsure about the pronunciation of

Kazakhstan, choose a different country about which to make an observation.

If you find yourself halfway through a sentence with a word with unfamiliar pronunciation

approaching, don't worry. Keep calm and keep going. However, it will affect your score if

you pause, stumble, or make several attempts at it. Remember, keep calm and keep going.

That's the introduction and the description done and dusted. We've just passed the thirty second

mark, so we'll move on to a concise conclusion. For this part, we need to make sure that

we complete a sentence that begins with in conclusion.

Let's make an overarching general statement. In conclusion, it can be seen that there's

substantial variation in the number of statutory holidays ranging from ten to thirty five.

Let's just read through the full sample response for this describe image question.

The bar graph represents the number of statutory holidays observed in various countries in 2023,

including the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and the United Kingdom. In 2023, Nepal had the most

statutory holidays of the countries shown on the bar chart with thirty five days. The United

Kingdom and the United States of America had the fewest national holidays with only ten days

for each of the two countries. After Nepal, the country with the next highest number of

public holidays was Sri Lanka with ten fewer days of holiday in the year. In conclusion,

it can be seen that there's substantial variation in the number of statutory

holidays ranging from ten to thirty five. As you can see, to keep our response under

forty seconds, we didn't need to include the sentence about India and Kazakhstan.

This response accurately and thoroughly describes the image and as a result would

receive a high score in the content criterion. It would also receive a

high score in oral fluency and pronunciation. Well, there we have it. We've worked through

a describe image bar graph task. Here's the method one more time.

First, the three step structure, then the three part pattern And finally, the three point motto.

If you'd like to try and answer a describe image question yourself Click the link in the

description. It'll take you to a practice question which also contains another sample answer.

In this lesson, we work through a describe image practice question together. But remember, I won't

be there on test day and for describe image tasks, it can be difficult to think of an answer on the

spot. That's why practising is important. If you're familiar with using the method,

you'll be ready to give a great response on test day. Good luck.