How to Request an Email Reply


In this fast-paced world, we want people to reply to our emails quickly.

But we can't just write: "Hey! I need a reply. Now."

So let's start looking at models to determine what phrases work well

in personal and business email.

So what's good about this message?

Mariah gets to the point and makes her suggestion immediately.

She explains is concisely and then asks for a response.

How does she ask? Look.

Also, the time frame is clear.

She needs a response by tomorrow.

Hopefully, Carla will respond soon.

When we send email, we often need a response.

But it may or may not be urgent.

You should let the reader know, as Mariah did in her message.

Let's look at some other phrases we can use.

It's one thing to request a response.

It's another matter when you've sent an email,

but you're not sure if the person even received it.

How do you handle that situation?

Let's look at one model.

Not every email we send gets an immediate response.

If you're really counting on a reply,

you might need to send a second message, as Amy did to her babysitter.

Although you may feel frustrated over the fact that you didn't get a response yet,

you can't become impolite and writing something like: "Hello?! I'm waiting..."

That approach won't work very well.

So here are some phrases you can use

when you're not sure if your first message was received.

We've seen some personal email messages.

Now let's talk about business email.

A business email message needs to sound professional,

but "professional" doesn't mean overly formal.

A business email can be polite but friendly.

Let's look at a couple messages.

What I like about this message is that Mitchell is not laying any blame on Maya.

He's just saying, "Maybe for some reason you didn't get the message.

What can I do? Do I need to resend the message?"

Of course, we all know that an important message can end up in the spam folder.

Let people know if that's the case

so they understand your delayed response.

Maya used this apology.

Here are some other variations.

I hope you found this useful.

That's all for now. Thanks for watching and happy studies!